What is the importance of 3d text design animation?
If you want to become a designer or animator, then first you have the knowledge of 3D text effect. The 3D text design is one of the most used effect in the web design world. The 3D animation effect is designed by text shadow property. For 3D effect, we want a different thickness and shadow for each alphabet and at each angle. 3D graphics is used to represent three-dimensional geometric data that is stored in the computer for the performing calculations and rendering 2D images.The objects in 3D computer graphics are referred to us 3D models. The main goal of 3D animation is to make it appear on screen like the images are actually moving. 3D is used for a video games, movies, illustrations, architecture and also for advertising. Models can be created manually as well as automatically, they can also be physically created using 3D printing devices. There are 3 ways to represent a model.
1. Polygonal modelling : The point in 3d space is called vertices, they are connected by line segments to form a polygon mesh. The majority of 3D models are built has textured polygon models, because they are flexible and computers can rendered them so quickly.
2. Curve Modelling : The surfaces are defined by curves, which are influenced by weighted control points. The curved follows the point.
3. Digital Sculpting : It’s a new method of modelling. Displacement digital sculpting is the most used among application at this movement, uses a dense model. Volumetric is based on voxels. Dynamic tessellation is similar to voxel but it devides the surface using triangulation.

3D Modelling is used in the field of industrial design, also used in medical industry. In media and event industry 3D modelling is used in stage and set design. This is the overall importance of 3D text design. If you also want to learn the text design when you have to enroll your self in any animation institute.